
BrewLink Brewing Company Window De-cals

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What beautiful windows you have….

Brewlink and I have been working together for a few years. The projects we do together are always fun. They make exceptional beer and I help them brand it. With Brewlink we have always tried to push the traditional beer branding into a new, cheeky almost silly brand voice. As part of that ideal I was asked to design some window decals for the Tap room in Indiana.

Decals can be tricky because they are hand applied to windows and have to withstand a good weathering. Which is why we made them as complicated and detailed as possible 🙂 Wrap It Up did a great job of applying these monsters to the windows. Four huge windows, chock full of doodles. Look closely there are funny little details hidden in there. If you are in the area, drop by and buy a beer and support these awesome people.