
wotto x B!LLS Watches

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French company B!LLS Watches licensed one of my pieces of art for cool interchangeable watch straps. Based in one of Europe’s fashion hotspots, this company applies cool art and company logos to several styles of watches. These watches are available throughout France and Europe and I am really pleased with the end product. This design has been featured on many products now including; shoes, speakers, t-shirts, a chair, cushions and watches. Great partnerships are rare and I am glad to say I have had some awesome partners.

Theses partners can present your work to markets and customers otherwise very difficult to reach. I have several partnerships and most have been a success, make sure you have good contracts and make solid contacts to avoid anything weird happening. I always stipulate that any changes or use of the art must be signed off by me before any product is launched. Last thing you want to see is your art mangled at the hands of another. Stay smart, go with relevant and trustworthy partners.