
Milkshake I.P.A Can Design

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Pretty Pretty Awkward, Pretty Pretty Can

Milkshake and craft beer. That’s right, milkshake and a tasty I.P.A beer. BrewLink Brewery are not scared to try new things and inventing beer oddities is kind of their thing. So when they asked me to design their latest can I was happy to oblige. This beer goes by the name ‘Pretty, Pretty Awkward, Milkshake Indian Pale Ale’ which is exactly what it sounds like. The beer contains hints of peach and mango as well as a sniff of vanilla and fructose which gives it a unique taste.

For the can I wanted to go cheeky and playful. I also wanted to play off the Milkshake vibe of the 50’s. I took inspiration from the ‘Let’s all go to the lobby’ campaign of movie concession stands and twisted it up. The milkshake is running away with the peach while the chubby mango gleefully follows. It was a funny image in my head and it translated pretty well onto the packaging. To date this is probably my favorite can for the brewery. Judging by the early success of the beer it looks like the fans are loving it too. Job done.