
Working with Disney
I have been working with Disney for around 2 years now and it has been a fantastic experience. I wanted to write a bit about it and share the art I produced with the Disney team. I was emailed by a Disney Art Director after they spotted my work in a gallery show. I went to the Disney HQ and had a ball wandering around and discussing a few projects with ridiculously creative individuals.I was commissioned to work on three sets of art based on the Disney Villains, The Muppets and Winnie The Pooh.
The Villains were something I loved working on because I am a huge fan of Disney baddies! Redrawing these classic characters was humbling and exciting all at once. The final art was created using Illustrator and because I did so many sketches I decided to present those too. Recreating Winnie The Pooh was a challenge. A challenge I was up for, having read the stories a lot as a child. Staying true to the likeness of the characters but spinning a new style was the biggest challenge. I think I achieved what I set out to and kept true to that cute little bear. Finally, I was asked to work on The Muppets and that made me smile a massive smile. I had a blast working with Hensen’s original characters and adding my own style and twists. A perfect match for my style and I am very proud of the results.
This opportunity was huge for me and while it was humbling it also pushed me creatively to learn a great deal. The people at Disney were inspiring and very encouraging with an openness to creative ideas. I have other things in the pipeline with Disney and I relish every job they commission to me. I’ll let you know what comes next….