
Amber Lotus Publishing x wotto

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Amber Lotus Publishing licensed one of my sugar skulls for their 2014 calendar, this year they requested a different piece of art for the cover of the 2016 calendar! It released a few months ago and very recently they got in touch to say the cover art was really helping to sell many calendars. I love hearing these kind of things because as an artist it means I have done my job.

Being a part of a calendar is always interesting because you never know who the other contributing artists are until it goes to print. I’m always excited and flattered to be featured alongside some truly talented folks. If you need a calendar and sugar skulls tickle your fancy you can pick one up now HERE and HERE!


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Inkbox x wotto

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Inkbox has recently revolutionized the temporary tattoo scene with a product that looks like a real tattoo but only lasts a few weeks. Just after their launch earlier this year they invited me to be a featured artist. I saw the potential in this new start up and jumped on board. The guys behind the product are also really nice guys, which always helps. I designed a small collection for my own store within their vast range of designs. You can pick my designs up here.

Since I got involved a lot has happened and through a kickstarter the company has raised a whopping $191,262 (to date) of an original 15K goal! This is allowing them to bring a new cleaner product to the market and push their collections into a marketplace, benefiting more artists. This is all great news because not only are they “blowing up” they are also supporting the Darien Initiative, which for 30 years, has provided community and agricultural support to the Embera-Wounaan and Kuna tribes of the Darien Gap, Panama. Boom! win/win/win.

I’m really proud to be a part of this company. They are going from strength to strength. I’m glad I trusted these guys and agreed to be apart of a small idea that just keeps on growing….Congrats Tyler & Braden.

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wotto x Denik

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I recently teamed up with Denik after two other collaborations where my art was selected to adorn their notebook covers. Woot! selected one of my designs and then Design By Humans selected a design to feature on their Denik limited edition collection. These two separate collaborations prompted Denik to get in touch. We then collaborated directly on two further designs; Explosion and Calavera IV.

Explosion mixes a Victorian gentleman illustration with my weird and unique doodles, all exploding from his head. Calavera IV is a neon version of a traditional Day of the Dead sugar skull.
The original Woot! collaboration is no longer available but the Design By Humans ‘The Passengers’ notebook is available in limited numbers. This design is a character based piece that has a weird monster riding a giraffe, possibly my favorite of all these products.


‘Explosion’ – Available here
‘CalaveraIV’ – Available here
‘The Passengers’ – Available here

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Working with Disney

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I have been working with Disney for around 2 years now and it has been a fantastic experience. I wanted to write a bit about it and share the art I produced with the Disney team. I was emailed by a Disney Art Director after they spotted my work in a gallery show. I went to the Disney HQ and had a ball wandering around and discussing a few projects with ridiculously creative individuals.I was commissioned to work on three sets of art based on the Disney Villains, The Muppets and Winnie The Pooh.

The Villains were something I loved working on because I am a huge fan of Disney baddies! Redrawing these classic characters was humbling and exciting all at once. The final art was created using Illustrator and because I did so many sketches I decided to present those too. Recreating Winnie The Pooh was a challenge. A challenge I was up for, having read the stories a lot as a child. Staying true to the likeness of the characters but spinning a new style was the biggest challenge. I think I achieved what I set out to and kept true to that cute little bear. Finally, I was asked to work on The Muppets and that made me smile a massive smile. I had a blast working with Hensen’s original characters and adding my own style and twists. A perfect match for my style and I am very proud of the results.

This opportunity was huge for me and while it was humbling it also pushed me creatively to learn a great deal. The people at Disney were inspiring and very encouraging with an openness to creative ideas. I have other things in the pipeline with Disney and I relish every job they commission to me.  I’ll let you know what comes next….

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Moment Watches x wotto

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Moment Watches are based in Korea and they invited me to make a watch face as part of their 52 watches line. One watch per week for one year, designed by a guest artist. My watch was a doodle faced watch with black, grey and red art. I have always tried to work with countries outside of the country I reside in because the wider spread your art the more people are likely to see it. Also what works in one country design wise might not work in another so there in itself is a new challenge.

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My design has gone over well and the company in general is seeing some nice growth. My payment is a percentage of sales which at first was a risk, especially considering these guys were a start up when I was asked along for the ride. However a year-ish on and this is one of those jobs that just keep on giving. Risks are sometimes worth taking, working for smaller brands in far away places can sometimes pay off. I also saw some success with the Korean suit suit manufacturer Aqus a few years ago.
The long and short of it is never look past an opportunity, some will fail but others will be worth risking your time on.  That being said make sure you have paperwork signed before handing over any art. I always ask to see a website, even if the company is just starting out. I always want to see where my art will be featured and a website will tell you a lot about the company. Where they are in terms of launching, style and whether they look legit. It’s a very good starting point. If a company can’t get a website up and running it’s likely they won’t host your work well.
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Formamentees x wotto

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Formamentees approached me last year for some designs for their new brand. I sold them a set of designs that they went on to feature. More recently I discovered they have started making all over printed versions of their tees. Two of my designs have been made available in this huge printed style and they look really cool.

It’s always nice to see companies take your art and produce new and exciting products. I really like how they printed the ‘Dreamer’ design off the sleeve, looks very cool.  The only down side to these kind of things is that the companies rarely tell you it’s happening. Annoying, considering you can blog and talk about their new product.

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