
Inktober 2017

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31 Days, 31 Inkings

Every October, artists all over the world take on the Inktober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month. Jake Parker created Inktober in 2009 as a challenge to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavor with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year.

This year I finally decided to take on the challenge. It was tough but I did it, only falling behind for one day. The challenge of drawing something unique each day is not easy but it’s a wildly creative journey. One I thoroughly enjoyed. I’ve always liked to draw just because, not because I am getting paid or because someone asked me to, just because. I have found some of my best work has come out of those times. This challenge created 31 pieces of art, I don’t like them all but the ones I do like I really like. The time pressure is intense and that can create really great stuff. It can also make you forgive many errors and faults just to get it done before the sunsets.

They were well received too. I’ve been offered cash for individual pieces and two people have asked to buy the entire sketchbook! So a challenge that was inspired out of being creative for no end reason, has turned into a popular set of art spurring new commissions and interest. Funny how doing something you like can give you that result. If you haven’t tried a challenge like this, I highly recommend it. The images featured here are 6 of the 31 inkings. To see the full set, take a gander at my instagram account HERE.