
Moment Watches x wotto

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Moment Watches are based in Korea and they invited me to make a watch face as part of their 52 watches line. One watch per week for one year, designed by a guest artist. My watch was a doodle faced watch with black, grey and red art. I have always tried to work with countries outside of the country I reside in because the wider spread your art the more people are likely to see it. Also what works in one country design wise might not work in another so there in itself is a new challenge.

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My design has gone over well and the company in general is seeing some nice growth. My payment is a percentage of sales which at first was a risk, especially considering these guys were a start up when I was asked along for the ride. However a year-ish on and this is one of those jobs that just keep on giving. Risks are sometimes worth taking, working for smaller brands in far away places can sometimes pay off. I also saw some success with the Korean suit suit manufacturer Aqus a few years ago.
The long and short of it is never look past an opportunity, some will fail but others will be worth risking your time on.  That being said make sure you have paperwork signed before handing over any art. I always ask to see a website, even if the company is just starting out. I always want to see where my art will be featured and a website will tell you a lot about the company. Where they are in terms of launching, style and whether they look legit. It’s a very good starting point. If a company can’t get a website up and running it’s likely they won’t host your work well.